Built in accordance with International Labour Organisation indicators of forced labor, our purpose is to support companies and their labor force to monitor compliance and raise standards for the betterment of the migrant workers and industries. We empower organisations and workers with access to knowledge, tools and grievance mechanisms to take the necessary corrective actions to meet the global labour standards.Learn more about Workus now at https://workus.techANNOUNCEMENTSStay up-to-date and receive real time announcements and notices from management in your native language.Grievance ChannelsA third-party grievance channel in native languages to provide an external channel to report violationsEMPLOYEE PROFILEKeep track of all your important employment details within the app, all in one centralised place.And many more features coming soon!*Important Notice*Workus is only available on Android. Only users that are registered in Workus web can sign up and use the app.